
Category: Rick’s Writings

Jeffrey Rea went down swinging, hustling

Posted on: June 13,2013

(Another College World Series flashback, this one from 2007. Thanks for the fond memory Jeffrey Rea.) OMAHA, Neb. – Little Jeffrey Rea really did go down swinging. And slapping line drives. Would we have expected anything different from Rea, one of the most productive players in Mississippi State’s proud baseball history? I think not. With […]

Omaha was magical for Rusty Thoms

Posted on: June 12,2013

(What follows is a column I did on Rusty Thoms and his two-year run at the College World Series (1997-98). This column was actually written in 2007, on the occasion of State’s last visit to Omaha. Thoms, more than any player I ever covered at the CWS captured the essence of the event.) June 13, […]

Shorty Mac's namesake finds a treasure

Posted on: June 11,2013

(Tom Smith of Madison considers Hall of Famer Shorty McWilliams “my second dad.” Smith, 56, a former Mississippi State linebacker, says he received a lot of sound advice from McWilliams growing up. He also got something else from Shorty Mac: his name. That’s right: The late Dick Smith, then a Meridian sports writer, named his […]

CWS: Something I will miss about my old job

Posted on: June 10,2013

People ask me all the time: Do you miss writing sports for a living? Do you miss going to  the games? Most times, I answer that I am quite happy with what I am doing now, that I still get to write a lot and that I am working for a cause that I so […]

RIP Cliff Shanks, ex-Clinton, Auburn slugger

Posted on: June 10,2013

Cliff Shanks, part of one of Mississippi’s well-known sports families, died unexpectedly at his home in Pascagoula Saturday night. He was 41. Cliff is the son of long-time SEC football official Don Shanks and the grandson of Fred Shanks, who was Boo Ferriss’s catcher at Mississippi State. Doug Shanks, Cliff’s uncle, is the head baseball […]

Henry Lee Parker: a war hero, people person

Posted on: June 07,2013

The first paragraph to the Associated Press story of Henry Lee Parker’s death earlier week reads: “Florence, Ala. — Henry Lee Parker, who played a role in the SMU football scandal that resulted in the NCAA shutting down its football program for two years, has died. He was 88.” Accurate? Yes. An appropriate assessment of […]

How do you spell relief? B-U-L-L-D-O-G-S

Posted on: June 07,2013

Good pitching beats good hitting, most experts will tell you, and then they’ll say starting pitching remains the most critical building block for a winning baseball team. But then there are these Mississippi State Bulldogs, who defy that second bit of baseball logic. Where State is concerned, good pitching still beats good hitting, but State’s […]

One more memory of Ben Puckett's kindness

Posted on: June 05,2013

Ben Puckett was a big-time giver: to Mississippi State, to the U.S. Olympic effort, to your Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, to his employees and to countless other causes and relief efforts. He grew up poor, made himself wealthy and then did all he could to make better the lives of other folks. […]


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