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From the Jack Carlisle Roast

From the Jack Carlisle Roast

Posted on: October 18,2012

FROM THE ROAST                                        George May was hilarious!                                                        And so was Jamesy Smith. From left to right, Wallace McMillan, Judge Rhesa Barksdale, Cactus Jack Carlisle and the great Mike Dennis. Tim Ellis, the quarterback who beat Notre Dame, roasts Jack Carlisle, the coach who put him in the game.

Jack Carlisle: So many stories . . .

Jack Carlisle: So many stories . . .

Posted on: October 11,2012

You will see on the front page of this website and on the “news and updates” page where the Hall of Fame will be holding a first annual Roast on Oct. 16. The first honoree — or victim — is legendary coach Jack Carlisle, Happy Jack to his legion of admirers. Folks, we are going […]

Roasters aplenty for Carlisle event

Roasters aplenty for Carlisle event

Posted on: September 21,2012

Roasters of Jack Carlisle at the first annual Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame Roast Oct. 16 will include many of his players from the many successful stops in his legendary coaching career.   Skipper Jernigan, who played for Carlisle at Murrah before going on to be a standout offensive guard at Ole Miss, will be […]

Carlisle Roast set for Oct. 16

Posted on: September 11,2012

Hall of Fame coach Jack Carlisle, legendary in Mississippi football circles, will be the subject for the first annual Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum Roast on Oct. 16 at the museum on Lakeland Ave. Carlisle quite possibly coached more players, at more schools, at more levels than any coach in Mississippi history. He […]

Hull joins elite MSU group

Hull joins elite MSU group

Posted on: September 05,2012

Mississippi Sports Hall of Famer Kent Hull will be honored Saturday, becoming the fifth person in Mississippi State history to have his name permanently added to Davis Wade Stadium. Hull, who died last year at the age of 50, will join Jack Cristil, Jackie Parker, D.D. Lewis and his former teammate Johnie Cooks. Members of […]

We’re more than a museum

Posted on: August 16,2012

The Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum is much more than just a showcase of the Magnolia State’s amazing sports heritage. The museum’s Trustmark Conference Center offers an ideal setting for seminars, training sessions, trade shows, banquets, family reunions and wedding receptions.The conference room features 2,325 square feet of space with free use of […]

Boo Ferriss remembers Pesky as 'one of the greatest Red Sox'

Boo Ferriss remembers Pesky as 'one of the greatest Red Sox'

Posted on: August 14,2012

Beloved Boston Red Sox infielder Johnny Pesky’s death Monday leaves Mississippi Sports Hall of Famer Boo Ferriss and baseball Hall of Famer Bobby Doerr as the only living players off the 1946 Boston Red Sox. Those ’46 Red Sox ran away from the New York York Yankees to win the American League pennant and then […]

C Spire provides direct line to coaches

C Spire provides direct line to coaches

Posted on: August 10,2012

Ridgeland-based C Spire Wireless, the only wireless provider in the U.S. that offers consumers and businesses a suite of personalized wireless services, is kicking off its first-ever CIRCLE Blitz College Football Question and Answer series on August 13, directly connecting fans with their favorite coaches. This unique online forum and Q&A series is taking place […]