
Coming up: Farm Bureau W'melon Classic

Posted on: June 05,2014

More than 1,600 took part in last year’s Farm Bureau Watermelon Classic.

The Farm Bureau Watermelon Classic, a Mississippi holiday tradition and one of the state’s largest road races, will take place again on July 4.
The 5K run/walk (7:30 a.m.) begins and ends at your Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum. Events also include a one-mile wellness runs for all ages and a tot trot (free for ages 3 and under). The 5K run-walk is certified by Road Runners Club of America (RRCA).
Farm Bureau is the title sponsor and your MSHOF also welcomes back gold sponsors Mississippi Sports Medicine and Orthpaedic Center and Fleet Feet Sports and silver sponsor Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi, as well as new gold sponsors St. Dominic and Raymond James and new silver sponsor BankFirst.
“We appreciate all the corporate sponsors for making the Watermelon one of our state’s premier races and one of the Hall of Fame’s most successful fund raisers,” said race director Margaret White.
In all, nearly 200 awards are presented. Watermelon and beverages are provided.
“We try to make this an event for the whole family,” White said. “This year, we will have face painting and an inflatable obstacle course for the children.”
Race Route:  Starts on Lakeland, to  I-55 frontage north, to Eastover Drive, to Ridgewood Drive, to Lakeland, with finish in the parking lot of the Mississippi  Sports Hall of Fame and Museum.
To register on-line, click here.

There’s plenty of watermelon for all. Our “choppers” make sure of that.


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