Not even Bo knows what he'll do spectacularly Wednesday
Posted on: November 03,2015

Wednesday, for a day, the Sanderson Farms Championship pro-am will be played at the Country Club of Bo Jackson.
That’s right. Anywhere Bo plays with a ball — any ball — it becomes his place.
Herewith, with no apologies to Letterman, are the top 10 feats I ever saw Bo Jackson perform, which does not include when he won a long drive contest earlier this year by hitting one 335 yards.
Drum roll please:
No. 10: Break a baseball bat over his helmet. Yep, just snapped it in two as you or I would a toothpick.
No. 9: Run about 50 yards to catch a fly ball, catch it on the warning track and then just run up and down the vertical wall as if he were finishing a jog.
No. 8: Hit a 450-foot foul ball off Steve Carlton in his first Big League game and then, two pitches later, beat out a routine ground ball to second base.

Bo will play at Country Club of (Bo) Jackson.
No. 7: In his first at bat in his first Big League All Star game, hit a 450-foot home run to dead center field with Vin Scully and Ronald Reagan making the call.
No. 6: Tries to call timeout, plate umpire doesn’t give it to him, pitcher delivers the pitch and Bo hits it out of the park anyway.
No 5: Runs right slap over Brian Bosworth at the goalline for a touchdown on Monday night TV.
No. 4: Knocks Deion Sanders into next week with a brutal stiff arm.
No. 3: Runs a 4.19 second 40-yard dash at NFL Combine.
No. 2: Throws the speedy Harold Reynolds out at the plate with a 320-foot strike from the left field wall.
No. 1: Runs for more than 200 yards for Auburn against Ole Miss in three quarters, sits out the fourth and falls dead asleep on the bench in a 41-0 blowout. We were busy writing our stories in the press box and I happened to glance up at the TV monitor where the cameras were focused on Bo snoozing away. He appeared to be snoring.
I don’t know what Bo will do Wednesday — hit one 400 yards, make a hole-in-one, who knows (not even Bo) — but he’ll do something spectacular.